About SIGN

SIGN Network was established in 2009, as one of the most significant and influential networks of indigenous grant-makers in the WB with aim to contribute to the development of sustainable local communities and civil society. Main purpose of the SIGN Network is to promote and support the development of local philanthropy, local communities, cross-sector partnerships and long-term sustainability of civil society in countries in Southeast Europe on national, regional and EU levels.
The network combines strong understanding of local conditions through partnership with grass-roots organizations, think tanks and other local associations; cutting edge experience in developmental grantmaking; renowned expertise in the field of philanthropy, local community development, cross-sector partnerships and sustainable civil society; as well as strategic advocacy partnerships at national and international levels.
SIGN operates as a non-formal network that is governed by the steering group which is comprised of representatives from each member-organization. The steering group is responsible for strategic decisions, admittance of new members and cessation of membership, establishment of ad-hoc structures, fundraising activities and statutory changes. One organization (currently HORUS from North Macedonia) – member of the Network serves as a chairing organization.
Members of SIGN Network are:
Trag Foundation (Serbia)
Trag is a regional foundation that encourages and supports active engagement of citizens in local community development in the last 20 years. We are gathering people who believe that small changes can make a big difference and desire to be initiators of positive change in their communities. Through the years, we supported over 1400 successful projects with over 11.5 million EUR across Serbia and the Western Balkans region.
Fund for Active Citizenship – fAKT (Montenegro)
Fund for Active Citizenship is the only indigenous foundation in Montenegro providing grants to civil society organizations. Our program is focused on two areas: building capacities for participation and philanthropy development thus contributing to social change characterized by a growing number of people participating actively and responsibly in social and political life of the society. In the past 11 years, fAKT supported nearly 400 projects, awarding almost 2 million EUR to local CSOs throughout the country.
Mozaik Foundation (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Mozaik Foundation is the private foundation and impact investor based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, supporting civil society, community development and social entrepreneurship in Western Balkans. We are one of the founders of SIGN Network and full member of EFC and EVPA. In 2010, our social entrepreneurship activities won prestigious Schwab Foundation Award “Social Entrepreneur of the year in Central and Eastern Europe”.
Forum for Civic Initiatives – FIQ (Kosovo)
FIQ is a national foundation with 20 years of experience in working with the local communities in Kosovo. We promote philanthropy and work to ensure that citizens are engaged in community development through social entrepreneurship and civic activism. As credible and respected stakeholder, FIQ’s vision is to serve as an engine of community development, working with citizens to ensure socio-economic stability.
HORUS (North Macedonia)
HORUS supports the development of civil society and local communities in North Macedonia following principles of human rights, tolerance and solidarity. Most activities are focused on local CSOs and include grantmaking, capacity building, supporting CSOs in the development of creative and innovative services aimed at citizens, corporate and public sector as well as on building a supportive legal and fiscal framework for philanthropy in North Macedonia.
Catalyst Balkans (Serbia)
Catalyst Balkans is a regional nonprofit that provides data and tech solutions for other nonprofits, corporate donors and grantmakers to help them do more good in their communities. With our tools – Giving Balkans philanthropy insights app, CiviCatalyst community management platform, and Donacije.rs crowdfunding platform – we’re changing the way regional philanthropy ecosystems develop. We are helping all philanthropy stakeholders make data-driven decisions and have a more significant social impact.
Steering group
Vesna Bajsanski-Agic, Mozaik Foundation, B&H – member
Anica-Maja Boljevic, fAKT, Montenegro – member
Dajana Berisha, FIQ, Kosovo – member
Biljana Dakic Djordjevic, Trag Foundation, Serbia – member
Nathan Koeshall, Catalyst Foundation, Serbia-member
Branko Dokuzovski, HORUS, North Macedonia – chair
Coordinators for SIGN Network
Marija Mitrovic, Trag Foundation, Serbia
Nenad Golubović, fAKT, Montenegro
Nina Isirova, HORUS, North Macedonia
Kushtrim Puka, FIQ, Kosovo
Armela Ramic, Mozaik Foundation, B&H
Milos Jankovic, Catalyst Foundation, Serbia
Full membership is open to CSOs registered in one of the Western Balkan countries and are predominantly focused on grant-making, philanthropy and community development.
Associate membership is open to representatives of academia, think tanks, institutions, businesses, business associations, networks, media outlets and CSOs that do not comply with the full membership criteria. Associate members may include entities from within and outside of the Western Balkans region.
Application procedure
Candidates for full and associate members are invited to apply throughout the year by submitting an expression of interest (EOI) to the steering group. This EOI package must comply with the following:
- It is submitted in English.
- It has been prepared and signed by the legal representative of the organization.
- It addresses the compliance with SIGN Network’s full and associate membership criteria.
- It addresses all supporting documentation.
This supporting documentation must include the following:
- A statement of purpose in the form of an application letter;
- Its most recent proof of registration in English;
- The most recent version of its statutes in English;
- The most recent version of its organizational chart;
- A list of current board members and their professional backgrounds;
- The most recent audit report and/or other substantial evidence showcasing that its financial statements, as well as non-financial disclosures, are true and fair;
- Its most recent annual report;
- Its code of conduct;
The EOI should be send via e-mail to sign@horus.mk. The steering group will make a decision on the membership status and inform the applicant within 15 business days upon reception of the completed EOI. Should the applicant be admitted, it will be expected to sign and comply with SIGN Network’s standards for transparency, adopted in 2013.
The full Membership Criteria Document is available here
Forum for Civic Initiatives - FIQ (Kosovo)
Lagja Pejton, Rr. Pashko Vasa, nr. 1
10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Phone: + 381 38 610 677
E-mail: contact@fiq-fci.org
Fund for Active Citizenship - fAKT (Montenegro)
Vaka Đurovića 20/1 Nova Varoš II – II floor
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Phone: + 382 20 665 600
E-mail: fond@faktcg.org
Mozaik Foundation (BiH)
Splitska 14
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: + 387 33 26 64 80
E-mail: info@mozaik.ba
Horus (North Macedonia)
Vasil Glavinov 3/5-2
1000 Скопје, North Macedonia
Phone: + 389 78 47 47 20
E-mail: horus@horus.mk
Trag Foundation (Serbia)
Mileševska 5/I-6
1 118 Belgrade 32, PAK 122005, Serbia
Phone: + 381 11 78 39 467
E-mail: office@tragfondacija.org
Catalyst Foundation (Serbia)
Takovska 38/23
11000 Belgrade
Phone: + 381 11 405 7511
E-mail: info@catalystbalkans.org